Beloved actress Sandra Bullock recently announced she’s leaving acting to spend more time with her family - but one thing she will never leave behind is her skincare routine. At 57 years old, she looks better than ever and she owes it all to a few simple tips.
If you want to age as gracefully as Sandra, here are some of her top skincare tips for fighting wrinkles that you can do from home!
Be Gentle

As we get older and skin cells die off, they build up on the outer layer of our skin and can cause dullness and wrinkles. It’s tempting to want to scrub them off with a harsh exfoliant, but that’s the opposite of what you should be doing. Sandra knows that anything harsh and abrasive is only going to make the problem worse.
Instead of scrubbing at the skin, Sandra’s approach is to gently exfoliate with an oil-based cleanser. This is because oil works like a magnet to attract dirt and dead skin instead of scrubbing and scraping your delicate skin. Not only will this help brighten your complexion, but it will cause fewer wrinkles in the future because there is less stress on your skin from such a gentle option.
Be Thorough

One thing you’ll never find Sandra doing is rushing through a skincare routine. No one has time to spend hours in front of the mirror, but you can have a quick and comprehensive routine at the same time. In fact, Sandra is adamant that she covers all her bases when it comes to wrinkles and aging skin.
Instead of just focusing on her face, Sandra makes sure she takes extra time every morning and night to treat her neck and chest. So many people forget that this area needs special care, but Sandra credits it to being able to pull off all those red carpet plunging necklines. Don’t let a sagging neck get in the way of looking youthful, and take Sandra’s advice to start taking action now!
Make It Easy

While Sandra doesn’t skimp when it comes to her skincare routine, she also doesn’t need dozens of products to look great. In recent years there have been trends of celebs having 12+ step routines, but Sandra credits her flawless skin to a less-is-more approach.
Instead of dozens of products, Sandra focuses on having a simple but effective routine. It allows her to get amazing results but also cut down on her getting ready time. If you’re looking to cut down your routine and ditch the unnecessary products in hopes of more youthful skin, look no further than a tested and comprehensive routine that’s fun and easy!