Getting older is a blessing, but with side effects like sagging skin, it can be daunting to look in the mirror every day and feel like your face is drooping to the floor.
Instead of suffering from sagging skin, our experts did a deep dive to find the best ingredients to tighten skin - without having to break the bank. Best of all, they’re easy to use and even easier to see results with!
Hyaluronic Acid

Often referred to as HA, Hyaluronic acid is a really special skincare ingredient that has only recently started to gain recognition. When your skin starts to sag, it’s deflating because of a lack of moisture and collagen - which are a lethal combo if you want a youthful complexion. Thankfully, HA is the perfect sidekick to lift and firm sagging skin.
When you apply products formulated with HA, it helps your skin retain moisture and then redirect it to plump and firm your skin. This helps mask any sagging skin and can even boost your hydration levels too! It will help fade wrinkles quickly while also supporting your moisture barrier for skin that looks years younger.
Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil

We love when natural ingredients can deliver big results - which is why we’re such a fan of cold-pressed coconut oil as a remedy for sagging skin. Each day, you’re losing collagen and fighting gravity to keep skin firm - but you’ll need some helpful ingredients if you aren't seeing results on your own.
If your skin seems to be sagging more than ever before, reach for coconut oil to help plump your skin back up. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin A which helps your skin naturally produce more collagen. It’s also packed with vitamin E which will work to turn over new cells so that you can regenerate new, healthy, cells to keep skin firm and glowing. We only use the highest-quality cold-pressed oil in our Repair & Release Cream formulation so you can see maximum results!
Green Tea

Did you know that free radicals could make your skin sag faster? It turns out that these invisible nuisances are secretly ruining your skin and contributing to your sagging face. No one needs any help getting older which is why it’s so crucial to banish free radicals if you want to look younger - and green tea does just that!
When green tea comes in contact with free radicals, it uses its powerful antioxidant ability to banish them for good so your skin can flourish and thrive. Not only will it help stop your skin from sagging more in the future, but it will keep it protected from wrinkles too. If you use green tea as a key ingredient in your daily routine, you’ll be able to give your skin additional support to fight back against sagging, aging skin.