Effortless Beauty: 3 High-Maintenance Practices That Simplify Your Makeup Routine

Jul 17, 2024
Effortless Beauty: 3 High-Maintenance Practices That Simplify Your Makeup Routine


Looking to keep your makeup routine low-key? You’re not alone! Focusing on some high-maintenance self-care can actually make things a lot easier when it comes to applying a full makeup look…

By putting in a bit of extra effort into daily practices like skincare, diet, and sleep habits, you’ll get that natural glow and make your makeup last longer. Here's how these tips can change your beauty game…


Achieving a flawless makeup look starts with a solid skincare routine. Without a healthy and looked-after complexion, your makeup just won’t sit right and might even make you look worse. If you want to have a low-effort, flawless look that takes you 5 minutes, a solid skincare routine is a must.

Practicing things like double cleansing and regular exfoliation helps to slough off dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, helping to reveal a smoother and more radiant complexion, and allowing makeup to glide on effortlessly. Following up with a rich, hydrating moisturizer that helps keep the skin healthy and protected is another way to set the stage for your flawless makeup look. Nothing looks better than a healthy complexion!

woman doing skincare routine


As far as diet is concerned, the saying “you are what you eat” holds true. An unhealthy diet will not only show itself by making you feel crummy, but it could also show up in your complexion. From premature aging like wrinkles and fine lines to dull, textured skin, your diet could be responsible for making you look a little older than you are.

Nourishing your body from within can significantly impact your skin's appearance, and in turn, how your makeup looks. Things like staying hydrated and consuming a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids can support skin health and radiance, and can make you glow from within!

healthy meals

Sleep And Stress

A lack of sleep and chronic stress can contribute to dull, tired-looking skin, emphasising the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and uneven texture, which can all be nearly impossible to cover up with makeup. With our modern technologies and fast-paced lives, it can be tough to get ourselves to wind down for bed, which ultimately raises our stress levels and negatively affects our sleep quality.

To help you get enough sleep and de-stress before you turn in for the night, spend some time perfecting your bedtime routine and give yourself up to two whole hours of self-care time to care for your skin, mind, and body and to prepare you for a restful night ahead. To give your skin a helping hand, throw in an overnight mask to help repair and revive your complexion while you sleep.

bedtime routine accessories

Some of these practices might seem high-maintenance to some, but may appear like the bare minimum for others. No matter where your opinion lies in the matter, it’s so important to take the time you need for yourself and care for your body, mind, and soul. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can help create a naturally radiant complexion that enhances the appearance of your makeup and a look that radiates confidence and natural beauty.