These Are The Easiest Ways To Protect Your Skin This Summer

Sep 21, 2021
These Are The Easiest Ways To Protect Your Skin This Summer

When the warm weather hits, we just want to head straight to the beach and enjoy summer. Sadly, being outside and summer weather can have some harmful effects on your anti-aging routine.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to suffer from the summer skin blues. Here are some easy ways you can protect your skin while you’re off enjoying your sunshine!


When it comes to warm weather, one of the worst side effects on your skin is dryness. When your skin becomes dry, it’s not able to protect itself from signs of aging. Even worse is that dry skin is likely to make your wrinkles look deeper and worse than they really are. If you want to help your skin this summer and keep it hydrated, it’s as simple as incorporating some of nature’s more hydrating ingredients into your routine.

Some ingredients can hydrate the surface of your skin but only a few go to the deeper layers of your dermis. When it comes to rehydrating skin, opt for top ingredients like shea butter which can penetrate deep and relieve dryness. You can also find dryness relief from using a moisturizer formulated with coconut oil and sea buckthorn which can help reverse dry skin and add radiance to your summer glow.


When skin looks dull and tired, one of the fastest and easiest ways to repair it is with exfoliation. In the past, exfoliating meant rubbing harsh beads on your face to remove dry skin. Sadly, this can cause microtears on your face and lead to more wrinkles and sagging. Instead of traditional exfoliants, opt for something that is just as effective, but much more gentle.

Oil cleansing is getting rave reviews for being one of the easiest and safest ways to exfoliate your skin. Because it uses oil to attach to dead skin instead of harshly rubbing it away, it can brighten skin without damage. It will also hydrate with every use so your skin will not only feel softer but will have lasting hydration even in the blazing summer heat.


The best part about summer is days with family and friends spent in the sun. Sadly, prolonged sun exposure can lead to a host of skin problems that can make you age faster. Instead of suffering, you can combat some of these signs of UV damage to keep your skin and complexion looking youthful and healthy..

To protect your skin, you need to make sure you’re using a powerful SPF on top of your skincare routine every day. If you’re using South Beach Skin Lab products, we include a lot of ingredients with natural protection from UV rays so in addition to SPF that should help too. Just don’t forget to be washing sunscreen off your face at the end of every day with your Lavender Oil Cleanser. Sunscreen can trap dirt, sweat, and free radicals in your pores which lead to wrinkles. Your oil cleanser will help remove all the buildup in your skin and pores with ease and let you keep skin healthy and protected at the same time.