You and your skin should never underestimate the power of mother nature. Throughout history, some of the most effective ingredients have come from nature herself, from rosehip oil to aloe vera and even elderflower.
These days, we’ve got a new secret weapon for great skin and it’s been hiding in your kitchen all along…Honey! We’re going to share with you why this is such a great ingredient for your skin as well as one of our favorite ways to regenerate moisture in our skin with an easy honey mask!
So why is honey so great?….
It Contains Nutrients For Your Skin
Not only is honey delicious but it’s also great for your skin. It has tons of natural antiseptic, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties when applied topically to your skin.
Not all honey can benefit your skin the same. Dermatologists suggest using a special kind of honey called Manuka honey which comes from New Zealand because of its high anti-oxidant properties. Because it comes with a steeper price point than regular honey, you can also substitute it for raw, organic honey from your grocery store.
It Can Help Fade Scars
Many of us by the time we are 40 will have some sort of scarring to our face. It can be from accidents of the past or something harder to manage like adult acne. These marks and scars from these conditions can be embarrassing and make you feel insecure but honey is here to save the day!
Because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, honey has been proven to heal wounds and scars very quickly. It helps prevent infections to open wounds and for scars, it has the ability to heal the scar to a point where it’s not noticeable to the naked eye.
It’s An Amazing Moisturizer
Honey is packed with soothing and moisturizing properties that can leave skin looking healthy, nourished and fabulous! When you apply honey to your face, the sugar that is naturally in it helps your skin to reduce dryness and keep your skin hydrated.
One of our favorite at home skincare DIY’s is a honey mask that is so easy to use and leaves your skin radiant for days! Check it out below!

Step 1:Use about one teaspoon of high-quality raw honey.
Step 2: Gently spread it all over your face.
Step 3: Leave mask on for 15-45 minutes depending on the dryness of your skin. For skin that is drier, leave the mask on longer.
Step 4:Rinse the mask off with luke-warm water and then pat your face dry!